All 2025 Dates are now filled.
To reserve your 2026 Tuesday, please email in January of 2026. In the email, please mention that you’ve read over the rules and details (located below the dates and amended! Past organizations, please read!) on how to safely host a legal event at UPH. Include your requested date (once they are posted!) and what name you would like on the check. Thank you!
Details for Organizations:
-This is an opportunity to showcase your organization. Therefore, UPH requires that someone from the organization must be on premises for the duration of the fundraiser. If your organization does not have to ability to represent or promote itself, we kindly ask that you step back to allow other organizations the opportunity to get a date.
-The team at UPH has a strict “no politics” stance. Political parties, candidates, and partisan organizations will not be considered.
-UPH must have the name requested on your donation check in advance. All checks will be available the Thursday after your event anytime after 4pm.
-UPH will gladly host, but you will be responsible for any promoting or additional fundraising you'd like to take place that night. This includes flyers, facebook posts, etc. Please provide UPH with a flyer or a link to a facebook event page at least 2 weeks prior to your event. If we do not hear from you with any promotional activities 2 weeks prior to event, we will assume that you are no longer participating, and your date and donation will be forfeit.
-If you create a Facebook event page, add Union Publick House as a co-host and it will automatically be promoted on our page. NOTE for 2024: Facebook changed its policies. UPH can only be added if the event is also hosted by a page, not a personal facebook account. You can try sharing it to our page, or tagging us in the caption if you share it to your feed.
-All basket raffles will be held outside along the building under the patio. We encourage organizations to take down contact information for winners so no one has to stay, and to host the raffle on facebook live.
-If you'd like to do basket raffles or 50/50s, here is our step by step guide:
Get a license! Here in Carbon County, PA, you need to obtain a small games of chance license, available at the Carbon County Treasurer's office. This step is important. It helps protect Union Publick House from potentially getting into trouble with the county. Please don’t skip it!
Buy the block tickets. Mark Donnelly suggests this kind from amazon. Each ticket has 22 chances; people spend more if they think they are getting more.
Pick a price per ticket: 1 block for $5, 5 blocks for $20. Most people will part with $20 if they think they are getting a deal.
Ask your friends and family/ local business to donate prizes. Prizes do not have to be expensive! anything between 10 and 25 dollars is perfect. Bottles of wine or liquor, gift certificates, and lottery tickets work wonderfully.
Number each prize. You can do this with little stickers, painters tape, or tags. Just be sure you’re not putting the number on in a way that can damage the prize.
Put the prize number on the front of a brown paper lunch bag.
Put the bag in front of or near the corresponding prize so people can drop stubs to try and win the prize they want. If it’s windy, a rock can be placed in the bottom of each bag.
Designate one person to collect the money and to explain to people what the event is for and who the money is going to.
Designate a second person to write down each person's name, phone number, and ticket numbers on a spreadsheet or piece of paper (ie: Jimmy Winner, 555-5555, ticket numbers 1-5)
At the end of the event, pull one ticket from each bag, find the corresponding name for the ticket number, and contact the person who won to tell them where they can come to claim their prize.
Drawings can be done on facebook live to make people feel like they are there and are a part of the drawing without having a large crowd standing about in covid times.
We look forward to working with you!
Past Tithing Tuesdays:
May 7: JT Class of ‘24 all night party
May 14: Jim Thorpe Youth Soccer
June 4: Valley Royale Foundation
June 11: Jim Thorpers Bike Team
July 9: Jim Thorpe Youth Basketball
July 16: JT Class of 2025
August 6: Dimmick Memorial Library
August 13: Bowmanstown Area Residents Connected
September 3: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
September 10: Jim Thorpe Rotary Club
April 25th: JT Class of ‘23 All Night Party
May 9th: JT High School Baseball Team
May 23: Lehighton Baseball Parents Club
June 13th: JT High School Soccer Teams (boys & girls)
June 27th: Jim Thorpers Bike Team
August 15th: Friends of Beltzville State Park
August 22nd: Dimmick Memorial Library
Aug. 29th: Bowmanstown Area Residents Connected
Sept. 12th: Jim Thorpe Youth Soccer
Sept 26th: Girl Scouts Camp Evergreen
May 10th : Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
June 14th: Jim Thorpers Bicycle Team fundraising for Families Behind the Badge
June 28th: Cub Pack 138
July 12th: Lehighton Baseball Parent’s Club
July 26th: Friends of Beltzville State Park
August 16th: Jim Thorpe Rotary
August 23rd: Dimmick Memorial Library
September 13th: Weatherly Class of ‘23 All-Night Party
September 27th: Olympian Booster Club